After that, the data is permanently deleted. You have 30 days from the date you delete the user’s account to restore if necessary. To delete a user, simply go to the Microsoft 365 Administration site, select “Users,” then “Active Users” and click on the person you want, and hit “Delete User.” You can then assign that license to another employee or delete it altogether.

Once you delete a user’s Microsoft 365 account, it frees up the licenses. Remove Licenses By Deleting the User Account If you have employees that have left the company, you should either reassign those licenses to a new hire or remove them from your Microsoft 365 subscriptions.

Otherwise, you’re just throwing money away. Given the fact that your subscription is priced per user, it’s a good idea to do a regular monthly audit to make sure each license is actually being utilized. If you’re using Microsoft 365 in your organization, chances are you’re wasting money on unused licenses. Tracking and eliminating wasteful spending is one of the key components to a profitable bottom line. These wise words are especially important when it comes to business.